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Natural Womanhood: A World of Order or Chaos
How Society Works: The Relational Nature of Man (November 2017)
Chastity and Monogamy: Correlates and Impacts
Marriage: the Template of Society, SCSS
Philadelphia Society: The Welfare State
Catholic Social Worker’s Nat’l Assoc, June 2014
Black Pastors Washington DC June 2014
Catholic Distance University Feb. 2014
Abortion Myths and Facts, Washington, D.C., January 15, 2014
Catholic Charities Arlington, Nov 2013
Cardinal Newman Pornography Effects–July 2013
Going on Offense with the Data
World Congress of Families, Sydney, Australia, May 2013
“Social Costs of Pornography” University of Wisconsin (April 2013)
2013 Georgetown, April 4, 2013
Hispanic Pastors, February 27, 2013
Catholic University of America, November 20, 2012
Love and Fidelity Network, Princeton, November 2, 2012
Black Family Nashville Presentation, October 11, 2012
Social Capital, the Family, and the Economy [Madrid, World Congress of Families 2012]
American Association of Christian Counselors, Orlando, Florida, April 13, 2012
Belfast Presentation: Effects of Contraception
The Effects of Religious Practice
Child’s Right to Marriage of Parents
Chastity and How Society Works (Presentation for Georgetown University, November 2010)
Arlington Chastity Presentation, March 16, 2011
Frederick Douglass Presentation, March 18, 2011
“Strong Families, Strong Economy” Presentation for CEIFM International Congress