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- The Financial Consequences of Marriage for Cohabiting Couples with Children
- Cohabitation
- Cohabitation in America
- The Instability of Cohabitation
- The Instability of Cohabitation
- Cohabiting and Asymmetrical Relationships
- Increasing Rise in Cohabitation
- Young Cohabiting Adults Born in the 1950s differ from Those Born in the 1980s
- Adolescent Family Environment Predicts Likelihood of Cohabitation
- Cohabitation Portends Greater Family Instability for Children
- Cohabiters Have Worse Mental Health When Compared to Married Individuals
- Married Persons are Less Lonely than Cohabitors and Single Persons
- Cohabitation Is Not As Good As Marriage
- World Family Map: Cohabitation
- Cohabitation is Patriarchal
- Married versus Cohabiting Families
- Cohabiting Women Are Less Interested in Sexual Intercourse
- Regardless of Marital Quality Cohabitation Increases Likelihood of Divorce
- Women’s Premarital Cohabitation is Inversely Associated with Marital Happiness
- Divorce and its Consequences
- Grown Children’s Divorce Impacts Their Parents’ Mental Well-Being
- Divorce Impacts Men and Women Differently
- Effects of Divorce on Financial Stability
- Married People Who Watched Pornography Were More Likely to Separate
- Regardless of Marital Quality Cohabitation Increases Likelihood of Divorce
- Effects of Divorce on Children’s Health
- Childbearing and Divorce
- National Portrait of Marital Dissolution and Re[1]partnering among Mature Couples
- Changing U.S. Family Patterns
- Divorce Is More Painful With Children
- Pornography Use Leads to Marital Instability and Divorce
- Divorce
- Divorce Jeopardizes Girls’ Health
- Thoughts of Divorce May Help Marriage
- Divorce Affects Grandparent-Grandchild Relationships
- Vanishing Divorce
- Vanishing Divorce
- Impact of Divorce on Children’s Education
- Divorce Linked to Husband’s Unemployment
- Divorce Rate Drops
- Parental Union Disruption Affects Children’s Union Stability
- Child Support Declines
- Divorce Linked with Alcoholism
- Changing Divorce Rates
- Parents’ Divorce Can Harm Children’s Health
- Parental Divorce Affects Children’s Long-term Health
- Divorce Increases Risk of Stroke
- Changes in Divorce Ideation
- Sibling Divorce
- Economic Consequences of Gray Divorce Affect Men and Women Differently
- Becoming a Grandparent Is A Deterrent to Gray Divorce
- Depressive Symptoms Occur After Gray Divorce and Subsequent Repartnering
Family Dynamics
- Family Connections (“Belongingness”) Have Profound Effects on Children
- The Effect of Parenting Styles on Children
- Parental Warmth: Short- and Long-Term Impact on Children
- Family Resilience and Strong Connections Promote Flourishing, Even in the Midst of Adversity
- Parenting Styles Impact Children’s Mental Health Outcomes
- Parents Play a Significant Role in Their Children’s Capacity to Regulate their Emotions
- Parenting Practices Influence Teens’ Sexual Behavior
- Going to Church Moderates the Impact of Pornography on the Relationship Quality Between Parent and Child
- A Baby’s Cuteness Triggers Parental Caregiving
- Oxytocin Levels Facilitate Parental Attachment to Their Infants
- For the Initial Stages of Parenthood and Romantic Relationships Brain Responses Related to Attachment Cues Are Similar
- Divorce Is More Painful With Children
- Pornography Use Leads to Marital Instability and Divorce
- Divorce Jeopardizes Girls’ Health
- Thoughts of Divorce May Help Marriage
- Divorce Affects Grandparent-Grandchild Relationships
- Divorce Linked to Husband’s Unemployment
- Parental Union Disruption Affects Children’s Union Stability
- Child Support Declines
- Parents’ Divorce Can Harm Children’s Health
- Parental Divorce Affects Children’s Long-term Health
- Sibling Divorce
- Becoming a Grandparent Is A Deterrent to Gray Divorce
- Depressive Symptoms Occur After Gray Divorce and Subsequent Repartnering
- The Financial Consequences of Marriage for Cohabiting Couples with Children
- Cohabiting and Asymmetrical Relationships
- Adolescent Family Environment Predicts Likelihood of Cohabitation
- Cohabitation Portends Greater Family Instability for Children
- Cohabiters Have Worse Mental Health When Compared to Married Individuals
- Married Persons are Less Lonely than Cohabitors and Single Persons
- Women’s Premarital Cohabitation is Inversely Associated with Marital Happiness
- Teen Pregnancy and Family Response: Analysis by Religious Worship
- Teen Pregnancy and Family Response: Analysis by Family Structure Religious Worship
- Minor Children in Same-Sex households
- Minor Children in Same-Sex households
- The Role of Same-Sex Marriage in the Declining U.S. Marriage Rate
- Japan’s Foreboding Demographics: Lessons for America
- Adolescents Who Have Had Four or More Sexual Partners by Family Structure
- With an Eye on the Children: The Effects of Divorce on Society
- Adolescents OK with Having a Child Out-of-Wedlock
- Religion and the Risk of Divorce
- Strong families, Prosperous States
- Parents Behind Bars: What Happens to Their Children?
- Parenting in America
- The Education-Fertility Link May Be Weakening
- Later-in-Life Divorce is on the Rise
- Growing Up With Single Parent Could Count As Poverty
- The Importance of Long-Term Marriages
- Childlessness and Marital Status
- Child Hunger and Family Structure
- Single Mothers & Extended Family Support
- Millennials Embrace “Starter Marriages”
- Relationships with Adult Children and Spouses
- The Toll of Parental Incarceration
- Family Structure and Children’s Education
- Parents’ Media Use Strongly Influences Children’s Media Use
- Marriage Protects Against Child Poverty
- Marriage Linked to Lower Alcoholism Among Adults
- Premarital Sex and Marital Stability
- Marriage Improves Chances of Surviving a Heart Attack
- Marriage Improves Chances of Surviving a Heart Attack
- Depression among Adolescents with Same-Sex Parents
- Income Inequality and Nonmarital Births
- Marital Satisfaction among Army Couples
- Marriage Penalties
- Marriage Expectations and Crime
- Father Absence, Delinquency, and Depression
- Neighborhood Violence and Parental Support
- Effects of Pornography on Marriage
- Aging Parents and Marital Satisfaction
- More Men Means More Marriage
- More Men Means More Marriage
- Mother’s Marital Status and Age Affects Children’s High School Graduation
- Family Structure Affects School Success: A Look at Florida
- Nonresident Fathers, Child Support Debt, and Parental Involvement
- Stress of Paid Maternity Leave in Korea
- Child Well-Being and Parents’ Marriage
- Children Benefit from a Stay-at-Home Parent
- Parental Absence Linked to Children’s Smoking and Alcohol Consumption
- Family Stability During Childhood Affects Adult Relationship Stability
- Attitudes Toward Marriage, Sexual Activity, and Skin Tone
- American Family Survey: Marriage, Family, and Policy Attitudes
- Fathers’ Childbearing Intentions and Child Involvement
- Family Profiles
- Unwed Births Decline for Immigrant Women
- Shotgun Marriages Increase Among Vulnerable Populations
- Marital Investment and Community Involvement
- Interfaith Homes in America
- Childhood Family Structure and Future Risk-Taking
- Families and Living Arrangements
- Families and Living Arrangements
- Family Structure and Education in Ohio
- Marriage: The Key to Surviving a Stroke
- Child Custody Affects Mothers’ Re-partnering
- Childbearing Among Millennials
- Parents’ Presence Helps Children Learn
- Never-Married Adults
- Household Income and Marital Satisfaction
- Unhappiness in Marriage Is Rarely Permanent
- Marriage Decreases Stress
- Fewer Jobs Mean More Out-of-Wedlock Births
- Family Structure and Wealth
- Family Prosperity Index
- Gender Attitudes about Work and Family
- Families and Households of Baby Boomers versus Millennials
- Married People Pay Most in Income Taxes
- Factors Affecting Openness to Teen Pregnancy
- Age at Marriage and Marital Stability Varies by Race
- Childhood Family Structure and Future Economic Success
- Strong Parent-Child Relationship Is Vital for Low-Income Children
- Grandmother’s Smoking Habits Affect Granddaughter
- Grandfamilies
- Interracial Marriages Continue to Steadily Increase
- United States Enters Demographic Winter
- The Success Sequence
- 2017 Kids Count Data Book
- Race, Family Structure, and Poverty
- Marriage “Trains” Newlyweds
- Marriage Rates and Educational Achievement
- Greater Tension in Wives Leads to Divorce
- Good Parenting Enables Children to Thrive Despite Hardship
- Parents’ Religiosity Correlated with Positive Outcomes
- Parents’ Religious Attendance and Prayer Delay Teen Sexual Activity
- Parents’ Religiosity Lowers Risk for Children’s Suicidal Behavior
- Parents’ Religious Attendance and Time Spent in Prayer Associated with Healthy Teeth
- Parents’ Time with Children Has Increased in the Past 50 Years
- Increased Time Spent with Children Decreased Children’s Risky Behavior
- Family Mealtime Differs by Socioeconomic Status
- Family Mealtime has Positive Effects on Youth’s Psychosocial Outcomes
- Family Mealtime Sown at a Young Age Results in Thriving
- Family Meals Boost Emotional Well-Being Among New Zealand Youth
- Family Meals Decrease Risk of Mental Disorders Among Iranian Youth
- Family Meals Yield Positive Psychosocial Outcomes Among Adolescents
- Benefits of Family Meals Extend Beyond Adolescence and Into Parenthood
- Fathers Who Live with their Children are More Involved in their Children’s Lives
- Father Engagement Reduces Stress in their Adolescent Child
- Father Engagement Reduces Depressive Affect and Promotes Cognitive Development
- Paternal Involvement Increases Children’s Quality of Life
- Family Connectedness Buffers Youths from Risky Behaviors
- Family Connectedness Decreases Sexual Risk[1]Taking Among Adolescents
- Family Connectedness Allows for Optimal Development
- Poor Family Relationships are Associated with Adverse Consequences
- Family Connectedness Protects Elderly Patients from Committing Suicide
- Quality of Marriage Enhances Quality of Life
- Greater Marital Quality, Better Health
- Marital Quality Contributes Positively for the Health of Middle-Aged and Older Spouses
- Adult Marital Quality Depends on Their Childhood Family Background
- Resilience When Stressed Differs Between Males and Females Across the Lifespan
- Parental Rejection and Risky Behaviors: Differences between Male and Female
- Magnanimous Humility: Rescuing Greatness from Pride
- Magnanimous Humility: Rescuing Greatness from Pride
- Family dinners have major adolescent mental health implications, but certain family structures and employment arrangements make them much more or much less likely.
- Family Dinners Mediate the Relationship between Cyberbullying and Adolescent Mental Health
- Family Structure and Employment Very Significantly Influence the Odds of Having Family Dinners
- Family Meals Are Good for Adolescents
- Family Breakfasts and Adolescent Well-Being
- Family Dinners, Mental Health Benefits and Protection from Cyberbullying
- Family Structure Influences Suicidal Ideation and Attempts
- Family Structure Influences Adolescent Health and Health Behaviors
- Family Cohesion and Conflict: Impact on Children’s Health and Well-Being
- Neural Evidence that Two Really Do Become One
- Parents’ Marital Quality Impacts Their Children’s Physical Health
- Integration in the Family Impacts Quality of Life
- Cohesion in the Family is Good for the Family
- Marriage Gap Widens
- Family Structure Moderates the Effect of Marital Status on Mortality Risk
- Married Koreans Have Higher Life Satisfaction
- Marriage Decreases Risk of Suicide Especially among Men
- Men and Women Perceive Marital Quality Differently
- Men and Women Perceive Marital Quality Differently
- High Marital Quality Translates into Better Health
- Religious Attendance, Family Structure & Adolescent Psychological Well-Being: Continuity in the Two Great Loves:
- Pornography Use and the Quality of the Parent-Child Relationship is Modified by Religious Practice
- Intact Married Families and Christianity are Foundations for Economic Prosperity
- Intact Married Families and Christianity are Foundations for Economic Prosperity
- Intact Married Families and Christianity are Foundations for Economic Prosperity
- Fathers Matter in the Health of Their Children
- Father Involvement Influences Attachment to Their Children
- Paternal Involvement Impacts Infants’ Brain Development
- Father’s Interaction Changes the Brain Volume of his Infant Child
- A Father’s Involvement During Infancy Predicts Children’s Mental Health in Childhood
- Fathers’ Healthy Attachment with their Infants Have Higher Quality Relationships and Interactions with Them
- Fathers’ Religious Attendance Decreases the Likelihood of Risky Behavior Among Adolescents
- Fathers’ Religious Attendance Decreases the Likelihood of Risky Behavior Among Adolescents
- Fathers’ Religious Attendance Decreases the Likelihood of Risky Behavior Among Adolescents
- Attachment Style Influences Brain Connectivity in Children
- Thanksgiving and Family
- “Depressed Daddy-less Daughters”
- Having More Children May Slow Aging
- Marriage & Cancer Survival
- Less Marriage, More Inequality
- The Importance of Family Meals
- Influence of a Mother’s Marriage on Her Children
- Effect of “Boomerang Fathers” on Adolescent Girls
- Religious Disaffiliation Linked to Parents’ Divorce
- Fathers’ Smoking Prior to Conception Harms Future Children
- Men Benefit from Marriage
- A Portrait of Latino Fathers
- Positive Influence of Fathers
- Paternal and Maternal Depression Affects Children Differently
- Father’s Involvement Boosts Baby’s Mental Development
- Fathers Can Offset Consequences of Maternal Depression
- Mother’s Partner Status Affects Childhood Morbidity
- Parental Modeling Affects Children’s Future Relationships
- Parental Technology Use and Child Behavior
- Fathers Influence Daughter’s Sexual Behavior
- Cuts in Sex-Education Programs Coincide with Decreases in Teen Pregnancy
- Marriage Protects Heart Disease Patients
- Fathers in Intact Families Spend More Time with their Children Compared to Non-Intact Families
- Parental Warmth is Associated with a Potpourri of Outcomes
- Marital Quality Affects a Wide Range of Health Outcomes
- Marital Quality Negatively Impacts Immune Function
- Marital Quality Moderates Genetic and Environmental Influences on Mental Disorders
- Marital Quality Negatively Impacts Immune Function
- Religion and Family are Pathways to Human Flourishing
- Parental Warmth Leads to Their Children Flourishing
- Religion Increases Marital Quality
- Religiosity & Spirituality Correlate with Positive Psychosocial Functioning
- Parental Encouragement Does Not Alter Infants’ Preferences for Toys
- A Secure Father-Infant Attachment Predicts Greater Paternal Sensitivity Over Time
- A Father’s Touch Positively Impacts His Infant and Himself
- Father-Infant Interaction Influences Fathers’ Hormonal Responses
- When Fathers Interact with their Infant, Their Physiology Changes
- When Fathers See Their Infants, Brain Activation and Testosterone Levels Increase
- Men and Women Have Different Preferences When Selecting Their Future Spouse and Short-Term Prospects
Family Structure
- Adolescent Sexual Intercourse and Fathers’ Response: Analysis by Family Structure and Religious Worship
- Teen Pregnancy and Family Response: Analysis by Religious Worship
- 144 years of marriage and divorce in 1 chart
- Teen Pregnancy and Family Response: Analysis by Family Structure Religious Worship
- Minor Children in Same-Sex households
- Minor Children in Same-Sex households
- Adolescent Sexual Intercourse and Fathers Response: Analysis by Family Structure
- Adolescent Sexual Intercourse and Fathers Response: Analysis by Religious Worship
- Adolescent Sexual Intercourse and Fathers Response: Analysis by Religious Worship
- The Role of Same-Sex Marriage in the Declining U.S. Marriage Rate
- Japan’s Foreboding Demographics: Lessons for America
- Adolescents Who Have Had Four or More Sexual Partners by Family Structure
- With an Eye on the Children: The Effects of Divorce on Society
- Adolescents OK with Having a Child Out-of-Wedlock
- Parenthood Is Still Good
- Parenthood Is Still Good
- Religion and the Risk of Divorce
- The Financial Consequences of Marriage for Cohabiting Couples with Children
- When It Comes to Family Structure, The U.S. Is in Trouble
- Strong families, Prosperous States
- Cohabitation
- Parents Behind Bars: What Happens to Their Children?
- College Education and Marriage Duration
- Parenting in America
- The Education-Fertility Link May Be Weakening
- Later-in-Life Divorce is on the Rise
- Growing Up With Single Parent Could Count As Poverty
- The Importance of Long-Term Marriages
- Single Parents Are the Most Sleep Deprived
- Effects of Divorce on Children’s Health
- Childlessness and Marital Status
- Child Hunger and Family Structure
- Single Mothers & Extended Family Support
- Nonmarital Births by Race and Ethnicity
- Family Structure and Poverty
- Family Structure and Poverty
- Changing Demography of Grandparenthood
- Millennials Embrace “Starter Marriages”
- Evolving Views of Acceptable Family Structures
- Evolving Views of Acceptable Family Structures
- Family Structure and Debt
- Relationships with Adult Children and Spouses
- The Toll of Parental Incarceration
- Childbearing and Divorce
- Family Structure and Children’s Education
- Parents’ Media Use Strongly Influences Children’s Media Use
- Marriage and Class Divides
- Young Mothers, Absent Fathers, and Crime
- National Portrait of Marital Dissolution and Re[1]partnering among Mature Couples
- Marriage Protects Against Child Poverty
- Marriage Linked to Lower Alcoholism Among Adults
- Premarital Sex and Marital Stability
- Marriage Improves Chances of Surviving a Heart Attack
- Marriage Improves Chances of Surviving a Heart Attack
- Cohabitation in America
- Depression among Adolescents with Same-Sex Parents
- Income Inequality and Nonmarital Births
- The Instability of Cohabitation
- The Instability of Cohabitation
- Marital Satisfaction among Army Couples
- Marriage Penalties
- Marriage Expectations and Crime
- Changing U.S. Family Patterns
- Father Absence, Delinquency, and Depression
- Neighborhood Violence and Parental Support
- Effects of Pornography on Marriage
- Aging Parents and Marital Satisfaction
- More Men Means More Marriage
- More Men Means More Marriage
- Mother’s Marital Status and Age Affects Children’s High School Graduation
- Family Structure Affects School Success: A Look at Florida
- Nonresident Fathers, Child Support Debt, and Parental Involvement
- Stress of Paid Maternity Leave in Korea
- Parent-Child Bond, Socioeconomic Status, and Health
- Child Well-Being and Parents’ Marriage
- Children Benefit from a Stay-at-Home Parent
- Parental Absence Linked to Children’s Smoking and Alcohol Consumption
- Family Stability During Childhood Affects Adult Relationship Stability
- Attitudes Toward Marriage, Sexual Activity, and Skin Tone
- American Family Survey: Marriage, Family, and Policy Attitudes
- Fathers’ Childbearing Intentions and Child Involvement
- Family Profiles
- Unwed Births Decline for Immigrant Women
- Shotgun Marriages Increase Among Vulnerable Populations
- Cohabiting and Asymmetrical Relationships
- Marital Investment and Community Involvement
- Divorce Is More Painful With Children
- Interfaith Homes in America
- Childhood Family Structure and Future Risk-Taking
- Families and Living Arrangements
- Families and Living Arrangements
- Increasing Rise in Cohabitation
- Family Structure and Education in Ohio
- Marriage: The Key to Surviving a Stroke
- Child Custody Affects Mothers’ Re-partnering
- Childbearing Among Millennials
- Parents’ Presence Helps Children Learn
- Never-Married Adults
- Household Income and Marital Satisfaction
- Unhappiness in Marriage Is Rarely Permanent
- Marriage Decreases Stress
- Fewer Jobs Mean More Out-of-Wedlock Births
- Family Structure and Wealth
- Family Prosperity Index
- Gender Attitudes about Work and Family
- Families and Households of Baby Boomers versus Millennials
- Married People Pay Most in Income Taxes
- Factors Affecting Openness to Teen Pregnancy
- Age at Marriage and Marital Stability Varies by Race
- Childhood Family Structure and Future Economic Success
- Strong Parent-Child Relationship Is Vital for Low-Income Children
- Grandmother’s Smoking Habits Affect Granddaughter
- Increase in Nonmarital Sex
- Grandfamilies
- Interracial Marriages Continue to Steadily Increase
- United States Enters Demographic Winter
- The Success Sequence
- 2017 Kids Count Data Book
- Race, Family Structure, and Poverty
- Marriage “Trains” Newlyweds
- Marriage Rates and Educational Achievement
- Greater Tension in Wives Leads to Divorce
- Good Parenting Enables Children to Thrive Despite Hardship
- Parents’ Religiosity Correlated with Positive Outcomes
- Parents’ Religious Attendance and Prayer Delay Teen Sexual Activity
- Parents’ Religiosity Lowers Risk for Children’s Suicidal Behavior
- Parents’ Religious Attendance and Time Spent in Prayer Associated with Healthy Teeth
- Parents’ Time with Children Has Increased in the Past 50 Years
- Increased Time Spent with Children Decreased Children’s Risky Behavior
- Family Mealtime Differs by Socioeconomic Status
- Family Mealtime has Positive Effects on Youth’s Psychosocial Outcomes
- Family Mealtime Sown at a Young Age Results in Thriving
- Family Meals Boost Emotional Well-Being Among New Zealand Youth
- Family Meals Decrease Risk of Mental Disorders Among Iranian Youth
- Family Meals Yield Positive Psychosocial Outcomes Among Adolescents
- Benefits of Family Meals Extend Beyond Adolescence and Into Parenthood
- Fathers Who Live with their Children are More Involved in their Children’s Lives
- Father Engagement Reduces Stress in their Adolescent Child
- Father Engagement Reduces Depressive Affect and Promotes Cognitive Development
- Paternal Involvement Increases Children’s Quality of Life
- Family Connectedness Buffers Youths from Risky Behaviors
- Family Connectedness Decreases Sexual Risk[1]Taking Among Adolescents
- Family Connectedness Allows for Optimal Development
- Poor Family Relationships are Associated with Adverse Consequences
- Family Connectedness Protects Elderly Patients from Committing Suicide
- Quality of Marriage Enhances Quality of Life
- Greater Marital Quality, Better Health
- Marital Quality Contributes Positively for the Health of Middle-Aged and Older Spouses
- Adult Marital Quality Depends on Their Childhood Family Background
- Young Cohabiting Adults Born in the 1950s differ from Those Born in the 1980s
- Adolescent Family Environment Predicts Likelihood of Cohabitation
- Cohabitation Portends Greater Family Instability for Children
- Cohabiters Have Worse Mental Health When Compared to Married Individuals
- Resilience When Stressed Differs Between Males and Females Across the Lifespan
- Parental Rejection and Risky Behaviors: Differences between Male and Female
- Magnanimous Humility: Rescuing Greatness from Pride
- Magnanimous Humility: Rescuing Greatness from Pride
- Family dinners have major adolescent mental health implications, but certain family structures and employment arrangements make them much more or much less likely.
- Family Dinners Mediate the Relationship between Cyberbullying and Adolescent Mental Health
- Family Structure and Employment Very Significantly Influence the Odds of Having Family Dinners
- Family Meals Are Good for Adolescents
- Family Breakfasts and Adolescent Well-Being
- Family Dinners, Mental Health Benefits and Protection from Cyberbullying
- Family Structure Influences Suicidal Ideation and Attempts
- Family Structure Influences Adolescent Health and Health Behaviors
- Family Cohesion and Conflict: Impact on Children’s Health and Well-Being
- Married Persons are Less Lonely than Cohabitors and Single Persons
- Neural Evidence that Two Really Do Become One
- Parents’ Marital Quality Impacts Their Children’s Physical Health
- Integration in the Family Impacts Quality of Life
- Cohesion in the Family is Good for the Family
- Marriage Gap Widens
- Family Structure Moderates the Effect of Marital Status on Mortality Risk
- Married Koreans Have Higher Life Satisfaction
- Marriage Decreases Risk of Suicide Especially among Men
- Men and Women Perceive Marital Quality Differently
- Men and Women Perceive Marital Quality Differently
- High Marital Quality Translates into Better Health
- Religious Attendance, Family Structure & Adolescent Psychological Well-Being: Continuity in the Two Great Loves:
- Pornography Use and the Quality of the Parent-Child Relationship is Modified by Religious Practice
- Pornography Use Leads to Marital Instability and Divorce
- Intact Married Families and Christianity are Foundations for Economic Prosperity
- Intact Married Families and Christianity are Foundations for Economic Prosperity
- Intact Married Families and Christianity are Foundations for Economic Prosperity
- Fathers Matter in the Health of Their Children
- Father Involvement Influences Attachment to Their Children
- Paternal Involvement Impacts Infants’ Brain Development
- Father’s Interaction Changes the Brain Volume of his Infant Child
- A Father’s Involvement During Infancy Predicts Children’s Mental Health in Childhood
- Fathers’ Healthy Attachment with their Infants Have Higher Quality Relationships and Interactions with Them
- Fathers’ Religious Attendance Decreases the Likelihood of Risky Behavior Among Adolescents
- Fathers’ Religious Attendance Decreases the Likelihood of Risky Behavior Among Adolescents
- Fathers’ Religious Attendance Decreases the Likelihood of Risky Behavior Among Adolescents
- Attachment Style Influences Brain Connectivity in Children
- Father’s Two Greatest Lessons
- A Father’s Caregiving Promotes Child’s Language Development
- Harsh Fathers: Bullying Children
- Fathers’ Engagement with Their Children Lags That of Mothers, but Their Level of Education Counts.
- Having More Children May Slow Aging
- Paternal and Maternal Depression Affects Children Differently
- Fathers Can Offset Consequences of Maternal Depression
- Parental Modeling Affects Children’s Future Relationships
- Parenthood Is Still Good
- Parenthood Is Still Good
- Father Absence, Delinquency, and Depression
- More Men Means More Marriage
- More Men Means More Marriage
- Fathers Who Live with their Children are More Involved in their Children’s Lives
- Father Engagement Reduces Stress in their Adolescent Child
- Father Engagement Reduces Depressive Affect and Promotes Cognitive Development
- Paternal Involvement Increases Children’s Quality of Life
- Fathers Matter in the Health of Their Children
- Father Involvement Influences Attachment to Their Children
- Paternal Involvement Impacts Infants’ Brain Development
- Father’s Interaction Changes the Brain Volume of his Infant Child
- A Father’s Involvement During Infancy Predicts Children’s Mental Health in Childhood
- Fathers’ Healthy Attachment with their Infants Have Higher Quality Relationships and Interactions with Them
- Fathers’ Religious Attendance Decreases the Likelihood of Risky Behavior Among Adolescents
- Fathers’ Religious Attendance Decreases the Likelihood of Risky Behavior Among Adolescents
- Fathers’ Religious Attendance Decreases the Likelihood of Risky Behavior Among Adolescents
- “Depressed Daddy-less Daughters”
- Effect of “Boomerang Fathers” on Adolescent Girls
- Fathers’ Smoking Prior to Conception Harms Future Children
- Men Benefit from Marriage
- A Portrait of Latino Fathers
- Positive Influence of Fathers
- Father’s Involvement Boosts Baby’s Mental Development
- Fathers Influence Daughter’s Sexual Behavior
- Fathers in Intact Families Spend More Time with their Children Compared to Non-Intact Families
- Parental Warmth is Associated with a Potpourri of Outcomes
- A Secure Father-Infant Attachment Predicts Greater Paternal Sensitivity Over Time
- A Father’s Touch Positively Impacts His Infant and Himself
- Father-Infant Interaction Influences Fathers’ Hormonal Responses
- When Fathers Interact with their Infant, Their Physiology Changes
- When Fathers See Their Infants, Brain Activation and Testosterone Levels Increase
- Adolescent Sexual Intercourse and Fathers’ Response: Analysis by Family Structure and Religious Worship
- Adolescent Sexual Intercourse and Fathers Response: Analysis by Family Structure
- Adolescent Sexual Intercourse and Fathers Response: Analysis by Religious Worship
- Adolescent Sexual Intercourse and Fathers Response: Analysis by Religious Worship
- Young Mothers, Absent Fathers, and Crime
- Parent-Child Bond, Socioeconomic Status, and Health
- Misleading Assumptions in Fatherhood Research
- The High Calling of Fatherhood
- Maternal Mental Health Improves Children’s Health and Development
- A Mother’s Touch Impacts the Development of An Infant’s ‘Social’ Brain
- Single Mothers & Extended Family Support
- Mother’s Marital Status and Age Affects Children’s High School Graduation
- Stress of Paid Maternity Leave in Korea
- Child Custody Affects Mothers’ Re-partnering
- Having More Children May Slow Aging
- Influence of a Mother’s Marriage on Her Children
- Paternal and Maternal Depression Affects Children Differently
- Fathers Can Offset Consequences of Maternal Depression
- Parental Modeling Affects Children’s Future Relationships
- Parenthood Is Still Good
- Parenthood Is Still Good
- Marriage and Women’s Health in Japan
- Maternal Support and Children’s Brain Growth
- Mothers’ Marital Status and Leisure Activities
- Young Mothers, Absent Fathers, and Crime
- Parent-Child Bond, Socioeconomic Status, and Health