Religious Expression

In a collaborative study with five professors from five different universities (Simon Fraser University, University of Maryland, University of Hawaii and Michigan State University), doctoral student Sooyeol Kim found that employees who openly discuss their religious beliefs at work are often happier and have higher job satisfaction than those employees who do not:

… employees who valued religion as a core part of their lives were more likely to disclose their religion in the workplace. Employees who felt pressure to assimilate in the workplace were less likely to disclose their religious identity, Kim said.
But most significantly, the researchers found that the employees who disclosed their religion in the workplace had several positive outcomes, including higher job satisfaction and higher perceived well-being.
“Disclosing your religion can be beneficial for employees and individual well-being,” Kim said. “When you try to hide your identity, you have to pretend or you have to lie to others, which can be stressful and negatively impact how you build relationships with co-workers.”

To read more:

1 thought on “Religious Expression

  1. John Whaley

    If "Diversity Officers" at large employers can state things like the following to employees… I encourage you to take an active role in deepening your knowledge, understanding, and appreciation for the LGBT community by…etc, etc etc… then perhaps those who value religious freedom may feel more inclined to do likewise even without paid corporate sponsorship.


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