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School Performance in English and Math by Family Structure and Religious Practice
Family Structure: Students who lived with their married biological parents carried the highest average combined grade point average (GPA) for English and Math (2.9). Those whose parents never married or who lived with cohabiting adults, only one of whom was a natural parent, had the lowest GPA (2.5). Slightly above that group were students living with stepparents, divorced parents, or both unmarried biological parents (2.6).
Religious Practice: Teenagers who attended religious activities weekly or more had the highest average combined GPA for English and Math (2.9). Those who never attended religious activities had the lowest (2.6). In between were those who attended a couple of times per month (2.8) and those who attended a few times a year (2.7).
Family Structure and Religious Practice Combined: Teenagers who lived in intact families that worshipped weekly scored a combined GPA of 2.9. Students who worshipped at least monthly but resided in families not headed by both biological parents scored a combined 2.7 GPA, as did students who lived in a family with both natural parents but who worshipped less than monthly. Those who were not living with both biological parents and who worshipped less than monthly had the lowest GPA (2.5).