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An online social science encyclopedia that synthesizes and translates the work of  social scientists into concise, issue-specific entries that are intelligible to the lay reader. [/span3] [span3] [image size=”box-large” link=”/family-demographics/” source=”/wp-content/uploads/Chart.jpg”]

Family Demographics

Trendline data drawn from original federal surveys on behaviors related to the American family. [/span3] [span3] [image size=”box-large” link=”/blog/” source=”/wp-content/uploads/How-Society-Works-e1483655705371.jpg”]

How Society Works Blog

MARRI’s blog discusses current events in light of recent and robust social science research. [/span3] [span3] [image size=”box-large” link=”/research/” source=”/wp-content/uploads/Library-e1483655833653.jpg”]

MARRI’s Library

A large repository of analytic and synthesis research on all matters related to marriage, religion,  family, and sexuality. [/span3] [/row] [/section]

Speeches & Powerpoints

Read Dr. Patrick Fagan’s latest speeches and powerpoints presented at conferences worldwide. Read More [section title=”Latest Blogs” class=”latest-news” header_size=”h2″] [recent_posts count=”6″ columns=”2″][/recent_posts]
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