Sexual Intercourse and Fathers’ Response: Analysis by Family Structure and
Religious Worship |
Pregnancy and Family Response: Analysis by Religious Worship |
144 years of marriage and divorce in 1 chart |
Pregnancy and Family Response: Analysis by Family Structure Religious Worship |
Minor Children in Same-Sex households
Minor Children in Same-Sex households |
Sexual Intercourse and Fathers Response: Analysis by Family Structure |
Sexual Intercourse and Fathers Response: Analysis by Religious Worship |
Sexual Intercourse and Fathers Response: Analysis by Religious Worship |
The Role of Same-Sex Marriage in the Declining U.S.
Marriage Rate |
Japan’s Foreboding Demographics: Lessons for America |
Who Have Had Four or More Sexual Partners by Family Structure |
With an Eye on the Children: The Effects of Divorce on
Society |
OK with Having a Child Out-of-Wedlock
Parenthood Is Still Good |
Parenthood Is Still Good |
Religion and the Risk of Divorce |
The Financial Consequences of Marriage for Cohabiting
Couples with Children |
When It Comes to Family Structure, The U.S. Is in Trouble |
Strong families, Prosperous States |
Parents Behind Bars: What Happens to Their Children? |
College Education and Marriage Duration
Parenting in America |
The Education-Fertility Link May Be Weakening |
Later-in-Life Divorce is on the Rise |
Growing Up With Single Parent Could Count As Poverty |
The Importance of Long-Term Marriages |
Single Parents Are the Most Sleep Deprived |
Effects of Divorce on Children’s Health |
Childlessness and Marital Status |
Child Hunger and Family Structure |
Single Mothers & Extended Family Support |
Nonmarital Births by Race and Ethnicity |
Family Structure and Poverty |
Structure and Poverty |
Changing Demography of Grandparenthood |
Millennials Embrace “Starter Marriages” |
Views of Acceptable Family Structures
Evolving Views of Acceptable Family Structures
Structure and Debt |
Relationships with Adult Children and Spouses |
The Toll of Parental Incarceration |
Childbearing and Divorce |
Family Structure and Children’s Education |
Parents’ Media Use Strongly Influences Children’s Media
Use |
Marriage and Class Divides |
Young Mothers, Absent Fathers, and Crime |
National Portrait of Marital Dissolution and
Repartnering among Mature Couples |
Marriage Protects Against Child Poverty |
Marriage Linked to Lower Alcoholism Among Adults |
Premarital Sex and Marital Stability |
Marriage Improves Chances of Surviving a Heart Attack |
Marriage Improves Chances of Surviving a Heart Attack |
Cohabitation in America |
Depression among Adolescents with Same-Sex Parents |
Income Inequality and Nonmarital Births
The Instability of Cohabitation |
The Instability of Cohabitation |
Marital Satisfaction among Army Couples |
Marriage Penalties |
Marriage Expectations and Crime |
Changing U.S. Family Patterns |
Father Absence, Delinquency, and Depression |
Neighborhood Violence and Parental Support |
Effects of Pornography on Marriage |
Aging Parents and Marital Satisfaction |
More Men Means More Marriage |
More Men Means More Marriage |
Mother’s Marital Status and Age Affects Children’s High
School Graduation |
Family Structure Affects School Success: A Look at
Florida |
Nonresident Fathers, Child Support Debt, and Parental
Involvement |
Stress of Paid Maternity Leave in Korea |
Parent-Child Bond, Socioeconomic Status, and Health |
Child Well-Being and Parents’ Marriage |
Children Benefit from a Stay-at-Home Parent |
Parental Absence Linked to Children’s Smoking and Alcohol
Consumption |
Family Stability During Childhood Affects Adult
Relationship Stability |
Attitudes Toward Marriage, Sexual Activity, and Skin Tone |
American Family Survey: Marriage, Family, and Policy
Attitudes |
Fathers’ Childbearing Intentions and Child Involvement |
Family Profiles |
Unwed Births Decline for Immigrant Women |
Shotgun Marriages Increase Among Vulnerable Populations |
Cohabiting and Asymmetrical Relationships |
Investment and Community Involvement |
Divorce Is More Painful With Children |
Interfaith Homes in America |
Childhood Family Structure and Future Risk-Taking |
Families and Living Arrangements |
and Living Arrangements |
Increasing Rise in Cohabitation |
Family Structure and Education in Ohio |
Marriage: The Key to Surviving a Stroke |
Child Custody Affects Mothers’ Re-partnering |
Childbearing Among Millennials |
Parents’ Presence Helps Children Learn |
Never-Married Adults |
Household Income and Marital Satisfaction |
Unhappiness in Marriage Is Rarely Permanent |
Marriage Decreases Stress |
Fewer Jobs Mean More Out-of-Wedlock Births |
Family Structure and Wealth
Family Prosperity Index |
Gender Attitudes about Work and Family |
Families and Households of Baby
Boomers versus Millennials |
Married People Pay Most in Income Taxes |
Factors Affecting Openness to Teen Pregnancy |
Age at Marriage and Marital Stability Varies by Race |
Childhood Family Structure and
Future Economic Success |
Strong Parent-Child Relationship Is Vital for Low-Income Children |
Smoking Habits Affect Granddaughter |
Increase in Nonmarital Sex |
Grandfamilies |
Interracial Marriages Continue to Steadily Increase |
United States Enters Demographic Winter |
The Success Sequence |
2017 Kids Count Data Book |
Race, Family Structure, and Poverty |
Marriage “Trains” Newlyweds |
Marriage Rates and Educational Achievement |
Greater Tension in Wives Leads to Divorce |
Good Parenting Enables Children to Thrive Despite
Hardship |
Parents’ Religiosity Correlated with Positive Outcomes |
Parents’ Religious Attendance and Prayer Delay Teen
Sexual Activity |
Parents’ Religiosity Lowers Risk for Children’s Suicidal
Behavior |
Parents’ Religious Attendance and Time Spent in Prayer
Associated with Healthy Teeth |
Parents’ Time with Children Has Increased in the Past 50
Years |
Increased Time Spent with Children Decreased Children’s
Risky Behavior |
Family Mealtime Differs by Socioeconomic Status |
Family Mealtime has Positive Effects on Youth’s
Psychosocial Outcomes |
Mealtime Sown at a Young Age Results in Thriving |
Family Meals Boost Emotional Well-Being Among New Zealand
Youth |
Meals Decrease Risk of Mental Disorders Among Iranian Youth |
Family Meals Yield Positive Psychosocial Outcomes Among
Adolescents |
Benefits of Family Meals Extend Beyond Adolescence and
Into Parenthood |
Fathers Who Live with their Children are More Involved in their Children’s
Lives |
Father Engagement Reduces Stress in their Adolescent
Child |
Father Engagement Reduces Depressive Affect and Promotes
Cognitive Development |
Involvement Increases Children’s Quality of Life |
Family Connectedness Buffers Youths from Risky Behaviors |
Family Connectedness Decreases Sexual RiskTaking
Among Adolescents |
Family Connectedness Allows for Optimal Development |
Poor Family Relationships are Associated with Adverse
Consequences |
Family Connectedness Protects Elderly Patients from
Committing Suicide |
Quality of Marriage Enhances Quality of Life |
Greater Marital Quality, Better Health |
Marital Quality Contributes Positively for the Health of
Middle-Aged and Older Spouses |
Adult Marital Quality Depends on Their Childhood Family
Background |
Young Cohabiting Adults Born in the 1950s differ from
Those Born in the 1980s |
Adolescent Family Environment Predicts Likelihood of
Cohabitation |
Cohabitation Portends Greater Family Instability for
Children |
Cohabiters Have Worse Mental Health When Compared to
Married Individuals |
Resilience When Stressed Differs Between Males and
Females Across the Lifespan |
Parental Rejection and Risky Behaviors: Differences
between Male and Female |
Magnanimous Humility: Rescuing Greatness from Pride |
Magnanimous Humility: Rescuing Greatness from Pride |
Family dinners have major adolescent mental health
implications, but certain family structures and employment arrangements make
them much more or much less likely.
Family Dinners Mediate the Relationship between
Cyberbullying and Adolescent Mental Health |
Family Structure and Employment Very Significantly
Influence the Odds of Having Family Dinners |
Family Meals Are Good for Adolescents |
Family Breakfasts and Adolescent Well-Being |
Family Dinners, Mental Health Benefits and Protection
from Cyberbullying |
Family Structure Influences Suicidal Ideation and
Attempts |
Family Structure Influences Adolescent Health and Health
Behaviors |
Family Cohesion and Conflict: Impact on Children’s Health
and Well-Being |
Married Persons are Less Lonely than Cohabitors and
Single Persons |
Neural Evidence that Two Really Do Become One |
Parents’ Marital Quality Impacts Their Children’s
Physical Health |
Integration in the Family Impacts Quality of Life |
Cohesion in the Family is Good for the Family |
Marriage Gap Widens |
Family Structure Moderates the Effect of Marital Status
on Mortality Risk |
Married Koreans Have Higher Life Satisfaction |
Marriage Decreases Risk of Suicide Especially among Men |
Men and Women Perceive Marital Quality Differently |
Men and Women Perceive Marital Quality Differently |
High Marital Quality Translates into Better Health |
Attendance, Family Structure & Adolescent Psychological Well-Being:
Continuity in the Two Great Loves: |
Pornography Use and the Quality of the Parent-Child
Relationship is Modified by Religious Practice |
Use Leads to Marital Instability and Divorce |
Intact Married Families and Christianity are Foundations
for Economic Prosperity |
Intact Married Families and Christianity are Foundations
for Economic Prosperity |
Intact Married Families and Christianity are Foundations
for Economic Prosperity |
Fathers Matter in the Health of Their Children |
Father Involvement Influences Attachment to Their
Children |
Paternal Involvement Impacts Infants’ Brain Development |
Father’s Interaction Changes the Brain Volume of his
Infant Child |
A Father’s Involvement During Infancy Predicts Children’s
Mental Health in Childhood |
Fathers’ Healthy Attachment with their Infants Have
Higher Quality Relationships and Interactions with Them |
Religious Attendance Decreases the Likelihood of Risky Behavior Among
Adolescents |
Fathers’ Religious Attendance Decreases the Likelihood of
Risky Behavior Among Adolescents |
Fathers’ Religious Attendance Decreases the Likelihood of
Risky Behavior Among Adolescents |
Attachment Style Influences
Brain Connectivity in Children |