
Regardless of Marital Quality Cohabitation Increases Likelihood of Divorce
Effects of Divorce on Children’s Health
Childbearing and Divorce
 National Portrait of Marital Dissolution and Repartnering among Mature Couples
Changing U.S. Family Patterns
Divorce Is More Painful With Children
Pornography Use Leads to Marital Instability and Divorce
Divorce Jeopardizes Girls’ Health
Thoughts of Divorce May Help Marriage
Divorce Affects Grandparent-Grandchild Relationships
Vanishing Divorce
Vanishing Divorce
Impact of Divorce on Children’s Education 
Divorce Linked to Husband’s Unemployment
Divorce Rate Drops
Parental Union Disruption Affects Children’s Union Stability
Child Support Declines
Divorce Linked with Alcoholism
Changing Divorce Rates
Parents’ Divorce Can Harm Children’s Health
Parental Divorce Affects Children’s Long-term Health
Divorce Increases Risk of Stroke
Changes in Divorce Ideation
Sibling Divorce
Economic Consequences of Gray Divorce Affect Men and Women Differently
Becoming a Grandparent Is A Deterrent to Gray Divorce
Depressive Symptoms Occur After Gray Divorce and Subsequent Repartnering