Regardless of Marital Quality Cohabitation Increases
Likelihood of Divorce |
Effects of Divorce on Children’s Health |
Childbearing and Divorce |
National Portrait of Marital Dissolution and
Repartnering among Mature Couples |
Changing U.S. Family Patterns |
Divorce Is More Painful With Children |
Use Leads to Marital Instability and Divorce |
Divorce Jeopardizes Girls’ Health |
Thoughts of Divorce May Help Marriage
Divorce Affects Grandparent-Grandchild Relationships |
Vanishing Divorce |
Vanishing Divorce |
Impact of Divorce on Children’s Education |
Divorce Linked to Husband’s Unemployment |
Divorce Rate Drops |
Parental Union Disruption Affects Children’s Union
Stability |
Child Support Declines |
Divorce Linked with Alcoholism |
Changing Divorce Rates |
Parents’ Divorce Can Harm Children’s Health |
Parental Divorce Affects Children’s Long-term Health |
Divorce Increases Risk of Stroke |
Changes in Divorce Ideation |
Sibling Divorce |
Economic Consequences of Gray Divorce Affect Men and
Women Differently |
Becoming a Grandparent Is A Deterrent to Gray Divorce |
Depressive Symptoms Occur After Gray Divorce and
Subsequent Repartnering |