Handbook & Synthesis Papers on Effects of Contraception

Since 2015 MARRI has been carefully reviewing the empirical findings on the effects of contraception across major dimensions of wellbeing. This Handbook integrates the basic attributes of contraception use (the mechanics, forms, and demographics patterns of contraception use) and the impact of contraceptive mechanisms on major aspects of wellbeing (the effects of contraceptive methods on physical health, psychological health, sexual dynamics, relational stability, and societal frameworks). Some of the topics covered include: The effects of contraception use on heart disease, cancer, neurological function, depression, anxiety, mood, mate preferences, sexual satisfaction, libido, relationship quality, marital quality, fertility trends, family formation patterns. The text concludes with a discussion of the implications of the findings and questions and answers for readers.

Adapted from the larger Handbook on the Effects of Contraception, the Synthesis Papers on Contraception inform readers about the empirical findings of contraception on specific dimensions of wellbeing (for example: physical health) and subtopics within those core areas of wellbeing (for instance: the effects of contraception on breast cancer). This series also includes an executive summary paper for readers who wish to read an overview of the empirical findings about contraception and wellbeing.